Sunday, December 8, 2013

6D Understand

16. As a person grows closer to Christ and becomes more like him, he or she prompts others to conversion or at least to consider the Good News. As more individuals aspire to holiness, the world is brought nearer to Christ
17. Yes becuase they guide us closer the scantifying grace by giving us guidelines on what and what not to do.
18. He came to make it perfect, and erase it from human errors, he is not establishing but perfecting what has already been done.
19. The First Commandment requires people to place God above all things. In the Law of Christ, the acceptance and worship of the one God is enhanced by the revelation of God as not an impersonal force but our Father who loves his children infinitely. Moreover, each person is called to have a personal relation with the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Fifth Commandment requires people to defend the dignity of human life. The Law of Christ goes further, admonishing his disciples not to harbor resentment toward any person and instructing them to love neighbors and even enemies in word and deed.
The Sixth Commandment requires people to make the correct use of sexuality, while the Law of Christ demands internal chastity even in thought and desire.
20. a level only possible through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Precisely by conforming one’s heart to the teachings of the Beatitudes can he or she enjoy the greatest happiness in this life and perfect happiness in the next.

6C Understand

11.Repentance and conversion of heart.
 Conforming themselves to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to form them in the image of Christ. Christians should get to know Christ by reading and meditating on his life in the Gospels.
 Following God’s will for them in all things. This includes knowing and following God’s plan not only in the “big” decisions in life but also in the small moments and events of every day. The moral law taught by the Church brings every aspect of the Gospel into daily life and is the primary way to know and embrace God’s will
12. God gives the grace of forgiveness and calls people to lives of holiness. Though God depends on freedom to redeem each person, it is impossible to answer God’s call to holiness and conform one’s life to Christ by human effort alone. God, therefore, provides all the graces necessary to answer his call
Grace brings the baptized into the very life of Christ and helps reproduce his life in their own lives. Grace does not force itself upon anyone but assists each person to exercise true freedom, desire what ought to be desired, and achieve what ought to be achieved. For example, the decision to commit oneself to pray or to grow in kindness toward another person is the work of personal freedom assisted by grace”
13. sanctifying grace, one shares in the life and love of the Blessed Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This grace is first received in the Sacrament of Baptism. It is meant to grow in each Christian, intensifying his or her union with God. This grace remains always, unless it is lost through mortal sin. Mortal sins can be forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which restores the life of sanctifying grace in the soul.”
14. Actual grace refers to all the particular, temporary help or aid God gives to perform a holy action that unites the recipient to his will. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, actual grace may precede a good act and help a person carry it out.
15. A Conscience is  voice that speaks in our head to help us make decision's in life 

6B Understand

6. Scantifying Grace, and intimate Friendship with God
7. Adam and Eve’s Fall from grace, however, created a humanly insurmountable obstacle to achieve the life of holiness for which they had been created. Their descendants are deprived of God’s grace and are enslaved to sin
8. “From the moment of his Incarnation, the entire life of Christ was oriented toward the salvation of man, and, by his sacrifice on the Cross, he offered a perfect ransom for the sins of the world. His Paschal Sacrifice made possible salvation, obtaining a superabundance of grace to forgive, heal, justify, and sanctify his people. This salvation of all people is called objective redemption.
9. Subjective redemption, or the application of the redemption of Christ to individual lives, requires a free response. As the Blessed Virgin Mary gave her fiat for the Incarnation, each person must exercise freedom to say yes to God’s invitation.
10. Scantity has a higher value than  Freedom, becuase it has been taken away from us by sin, Scantifying Grace is what we are hungry for.

Friday, December 6, 2013

6A understand

1. they must devote themselves to life of holiness
2. The call to be another Christ
3. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior
4.“Christ’s call to holiness is also powerfully illustrated in his dialogue with the rich young man. First, Christ makes it clear God is the ultimate good; only he can truly fulfill anyone and make him or her happy. Secondly, the Lord insists people follow the Commandments. Finally, he told the rich young man to sell everything and follow him
5.He has given us an immortal soul and through the gifts of intelligence and reason enables us to understand the order of things established in his creation. God has also given us a free will to seek and love what is true, good, and beautiful

6E Understand

21. a latin root- beati means Blessed and Happy
22. Virtues can be natural or supernatural. Natural virtues are good habits: a fruit of the repetition of good moral actions. For example, if someone wants to acquire the virtue of temperance with regard to food, he or she will need to expend effort to eat less over a period of time. After a while, consumption becomes easier to control, habitual, and happy. Through the performance of virtuous actions, one acquires the corresponding natural virtue.
Supernatural virtues, accompanied by sanctifying grace, are gratuitously imparted to the soul at Baptism. They are infused by God into the souls of the faithful to make them capable of acting as his children and of meriting eternal life.These virtues are called supernatural because they make it possible to perform supernatural acts.
23.Supernatural virtues are  accompanied by sanctifying grace, are gratuitously impart to the soul at aptism. Natural virtues comes from good habits, and ways to sarafice things that are not needed.
24. Faith elevates the natural intellect and moves the will so a person can assent to the truths supernaturally revealed by God and put those truths into practice.
 Hope gives the mind and will the power to trust God will give all the means necessary to achieve everlasting life.
 Charity enables a person to love God above all things and his neighbor as him- or herself with the love of Christ.
25.To have faith means to accept truths guaranteed by the authority of God. Because it is based on God’s revealed truth, faith cannot contradict human reason; rather, it enables a person to believe and understand truths beyond the scope of human reason.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

5F Understand

22. He trained them like it was a college, pick only the ones who truly believe in God. 
23. The Line of apostles doesnt end, because of recruitment and the decendents of bishops and other holy man.

5E Understand (20-21)

20. The Gift of Confirmation
21. A vicar is a person who acts in the place of or who is authorized to perform the duties of another.

5D Understand (15-20)

15. The apostolic nature of the Church is reflected in her Apostolic Succession; through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, there is a continuous link from the Apostles through their successors, the bishops.
16. Jesus Christ subist in the Catholic Church
17. It means that the Church will last till the end of time.
19. The Holy Spirit allowed the apostles to have the strength and courage to  proclaim the Word of God
20. The Sarcement of Confirmation

5C understand (10-14)

10. It is to set an example how we should live, and how to be a follower of Christ.
11. There is only one Church and that is Christ
12.  We accept everyone just like Christ accepts all of us.
13. The word catholic is from the Greek for universal. The Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus Christ is universal. All people, without exception, are called by God to be members of his Church
14. The apostolicity of the Church refers to her having been founded on the Apostles. The Apostles handed on the teachings of Christ, and the Church faithfully hands on this teaching even to the present day

5B Understand 5-9

5. The unique chance to convert, and to be fully with God.
6. Christ possess a phyiscal body that during the Resurrection became glorified.
7. The vertical dimension signifies the relationship between God and human beings. The People of God are united to Christ, through whom all grace is received.
8.The horizontal dimension of the Church signifies the communion among her human members, who have equal dignity as persons. Christians exist as a community in Christ founded by Christ himself.
9. The Church is the sarcment for salvation, and is what allows us to be redeemed by God. 

5A Understand study question (1-4)

1.He Brings his only son in the world to be saraficed, and to save us from evil. We desire Santifying Grace, and Through God and Christ; sarafice we can find the path to God.
2. The Savior is here, to redeem US, so start believing.
3. “Like a mustard seed, the Church began small but grew to be the largest of trees, spreading throughout the entire world.
4. The Kingdom of God is not a place, or a thing, rather it is a person in our souls, Christ is in our Souls.

5F remember

Friday, November 15, 2013

5E Remember

I looked over vocab that were not in the quizlet such as:

-Indefectibility- The quality oor Chracteristic of the Church by which she will exist until the end of time.

- EX Catherdra- Latin for from the chair (of St. Peter). It indicates a solemn ad infallible definiton by a pope of a doctrine concerning matters of Faith or Morals to be held by the faithful.

and other important definition.  

5D remember

I studied vocabulary words 15-19 on quizlet 

5C Remember

I studied vocabulary words 10-15 on quizlet 

5B remember

I studied vocabulary words 5-10

5A remember

I studied the first 5 vocabulary words from Quizlet

5D Textbook

Monday, October 7, 2013

3F understand A

In this Section it talks about Christ Divine care for the poor and suffering (also the Sick). It explains how Christ work is lead by the Word of God. Many of us avoid the sick, poor, and suffering, but Jesus is our example, that we must help others. 

3F Apply

When the poor or the suffering come to ask for God's mercy and receives it is because, of how desperate they are for God, for a sign of hope or love. They are the people who show more love to God than any other of us. They have nothing to lose, but themselves and God. God shined his light over David a Sheperd and made him King of Isreal. The first people to see the baby Jesus were the Shepherds. All they care about is God, and they try their best to live the simpliest lives and earn Gods Love. They want something more than Happiness, and that is the Love of God. When i was younger i always asked my Grandmother for some money to help my parents pay for gas ( Our Family back in the day was very poor), and i thought this would help my parents a great deal, but they had other things to deal with. Life was starting to go upside down, when one day just, magically, we suddenly felt the need to go to a chapel (dont remember the name) and sat their and prayed. After weeks of hard work from my parents a great barrier begin to lift off my family and things started going the right way. I wanted to express this story of my life because it resembles a lot with the miracles God has given to me. 

3F Remember A

I Chose Redemption because that is the title of our course, and in this chapter i feel that everything leads to Redemption, From the birth of Christ, to the the Death of Christ. It explains everything from incarnatation, how we are expatiational for our sins, and how if we follow the way Christ lives and set an example for others. That is where Redemption comes to my mind.

3E Apply

St. Charles Borromeo lived a life of Stwewardship which meant he was decidecated his life to 3 things: Prayer, Ministry, and offerings. His offering is the most important aspect of them all. He was able to changes people lives when he gave them his own goods ,for the Goodness of God. His life was completely done in the name of God. He prayed for those who suffer, and are in need of the necciesety to live a basic life. 

3E Remember A

3E Understanding A

It shows how Christ through incarnation gives us Redemption. On this Page Christ gives us examples of how he showed his dsciples to live a faithful life

3D Apply A

I think even though i have gone through Bapthism, is still believe that the personally I in desprate need of God's Mercy. I feel happy, but not happy enough as God wishes me to be. I spiritually can't fix what i have already done wrong and I hope to find through my Confirmation classes why it was meant to be. We are all here for a reason, because of Gods love, but because there is sin in this world. We make terrible decisions. We as brothers and sisters must help and look out for one another. That is why i feel something is missing in my life. 

3D Remember A

3D Understand A

3B Remember B

Sunday, October 6, 2013

3C Remember A

3C Apply A

The Society of Jesus more know as the SJ a order that lives in chasity which means look good, for the right situation. Never over dress. Many SJ members are called to live a basic life a decicated in serving others and God. They display the true way God ask us to live. Simple, faithful, and spiritually ready for the second coming of Christ. They follow most of the evengelical consels, but not all. Back in history they deicated most of their time away from society and in secrecy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

3B Apply A

The reason why Matthew's geneology is more perfect in a way, is that he starts with Abraham. Unlike Luke who starts with Adam. It makes sense why Matthew starts with Abraham, because he wanted to explain that all of the prophets leading to Jesus were decendents of Abraham rather than Adam who sinned by not stopping Eve from eating the apple. Adam isn't as perfect as Abraham or David. He provideds that ever since change of status of Abraham, it created a line of prophets that lead to Christ. Making Christ the perfect Descendant 

3B Understand A

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3A Apply B Lourdes

This video sets our minds the ideas of how related Lourdes and Mary are. It shows us that many of the of the things God throws at us has can be unexpected. Just like Lourdes and Mary, living with their daily lives, and God gives them a mission. Just like God calls us to be prepared for his arrive, because it is unexpected 

Monday, September 30, 2013

3A Understand B

St. Joesphs role was to act as a physical father for Christ, so that Christ can know and feel what a real family feels like. If St Joesph was not there Christ might have felt incomplete. But that was the main role of St. Joesph, he also gave Christ a normal life like being a carpenter. St. Joesph did everything any father would do making him such a great father. I don't think it was hard for St. Joesph to stay next to Mary's side and watch Christ be born, because he recieved a vision from an Angel telling him that Mary was convicived by God, not another man. Than the Angel said that this baby will turn into a savior. Which Joesph shaped him into, with the inspiration of God. The things Joesph done for Christ built him to the only savior of mankind.

3A Remember B

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chapter 3.1 Apply A

Mary to be Full of Gace, she must accept God's Command, to reverse Eve's responds to God. Mary's Full of Grace allows her to bring Jesus Christ into the world

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2.5 Understand B

God directed the Salvation History by the use of prophets like Moses, David, and Abraham. How did God use this people to lead his the Isrealites? He gave orders that couldn't be denied, showed consequences when we stop listening to him. He gives us a path to follow, and job to be done. That one job that is so difficult for us to do is to be fruitful, and loving in God's Creation. We must understand God gave us everything to live a sustainable life, and the ability to chose him over everything else in the world. God showed us a path to a life in paradise that everyone has trouble staying on track of. God lead his choosen people in to the promise land, he gave them a land to worship and to praise him. He slowly reveals himself to us by Christ. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

2.4 Remember B

Who is Moses? Moses a man chosen by God to lead the Isrealite out of Egypt and into the Promise Land

2.5 Apply A

David is a great prototype of Christ, because David shows a path that leads to Christ. David was the youngest, and the poorest and suddenly became King of Isreal. As for Christ was born in a stable where farm animals eat. David was called by God his son, as for Christ is the True Son of God. David showed his perfection even with original sin. Christ on the other hand was perfected  through God from conception. 

2.5 Understand A

2.5 Remember A

52/52 cards 98% mastery 

2.4 Apply A

2.4 Understand A

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chapter 2.3 Evaluate

My argument  is that i believe that Covenant and rules have their similarities and differences, but most importantly they have something to do on how we live and how we should live. In the beginning of time God gave us free will, the ability to chose between right and wrong. Than God gave us a Covenant, a promise to Love, respect, and Him as a creator. With the gift of free will, we make the decisions to belong to God or to nothing at all. With that it takes responsibility. The Covenant is not a law or rules, but a promise to keep. Rules on the other hand are laws that keep us in line and guides us to the Light of Christ, and again we have the ability to chose what is right and wrong. Covenant is a promise rather than a law. Rules are like the Ten Commandments that shows us what is sin and how to live as God wanted us to live. With all of this takes great responsibility. Our responsibility is to keep ourselves away from sin and evil. Learning to worship God with full respect and dignity. When we turn to evil we become irresponsible to ourselves making us lean towards the faith of evil rather than the righteous of Christ.

2.3 Remember B

14. The Similarities between the Old Covenant, and the New Covenant made by Christ are that they are still a promise from God to Mankind. The Law of Love by Christ prefects the Old Covenant, by giving us healing, eternal life, and freedom.

15. God entrusted the world to Adam, and he repeated this to Noah

16. The Divine Economic that God gave during the time of Noah. God will deal with different groups of human races.

17.  They were both meant for the same purpose, to get closer to Heaven thinking that God could hear them better from there, but build this kinds of structures is wrong in our Catholic faith. God understands our love for him, but building a tower to heaven isn't not worshipping God, rather taunting Him.

18. God was disappointed by the way mankind chose to build a tower to heaven, so he changed the language making it literally impossible to continue the construction of the tower. There were some positive things about it, yet to come.

19. Soon the gift of the Holy Spirit will overcome the divisions of languages and nations that are consqeunced to sin.

Chapter 2.3 Apply B

The most important truth of Noah and the Ark, isn't why God regretted his creation, but forgave us by giving us the great water of Baptism.Noah characteristics    describes how man should be the steward of Creation. His action show how man should do everything under the love of God. Work is painful and never-ending, but if we do it for the love and sake of God work itself will become fruitful. Noah never says no or denies Him, because Noah knows that if he denies God, he denies every other gift that He has given him. Noah searches for the light of God everyday during the great flood. Even the great flood has great symbolism of Baptism, but even more the washing of the feet of Jesus. Cleansing the stain of Original and creating a everlasting Covenant between Man and God.
From the Tower of Babel, great evil was built. Built with pride, the sake of becoming higher than God, and having the ability to control the world. Those are the complete opposite of how God wants us to live, and when we show him that this tower is more important than God, and His spiritual temple is nothing important. We should turn around ask for forgiveness, and mercy from Him. God is never angry at us, he is only disappointed by the decisions we make in life that turn us away from God. Live like Noah, not like Ham

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

2.3 Apply A

What I believe that the God and the Scared is saying is that Abraham is a the corner stone of a grand nation. A nation that will soon have control over Canaan. The Kings will follow in Abrahams footstep no matter the hardship. The Covenant between Man and God will be maintained, and it shows how Abraham is a great prophet who will lead a nation, by the hand of God 

Chapter 2.3 Understand A

Chapter 2.3 Remember A

Words 50/50 96% Mastery 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Why we don't become angels when we die

Logically any Catholic would say that angels are different than mankind, but some would say that as we die our souls become angels. That is false, angels are another creation by God that has the same intellect, mind, and free will, but spiritually they guide man on the right path. First of all Angels are not man with wings, but spirits that try to lead us away from sin. When we pass away our soul leaves our body and enters purgatory to be cleansed of our sins and to repent to God, so he can allow us in to his paradise. We are completely different from angels in every way. Angels don't have a physical body like us. to conclude Man and Angels are two different creatures created by God.   

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lord of The Rings Clip and understanding

This video is so similar to us and God. It shows that God gave us a privilege to be stewards of his creation, just like in Lord of the Rings when the man was allowed to sit at the bottom of the throne representing his king, and the Kingdom. But as the Gandalf entered the steward used his stewardship sinfully. This steward is almost like us humans, we disobeyed God and his creations, that is when we fall into original sin. God gave us a mission and that mission is to care for his creation. The video shows us how not to act, when we use our gifts the way it wasn't mean't to we sin. We have turn God's creation to evil and this isn't how we show that we love God.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Video of Participation

This video shows that many people united can create many things. It express this through teamwork and sharing minds. There is a saying great minds think alike, and this is very saying is true. life by ourselves is difficult, but survivable. With the hand of God our live will be much easier, because he can show us the path to light. But the decision is on us.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My Interest In Theology Class this Year

This year in theology I would love to get deeper in my faith I would love to know more about the Church and how it was established by only a few men. I want to find what it is like to know my faith from the beginning of time to today. I hope to love God more through this class, and take my faith to the next level. I want to find why i believe in Christianity, and why i praise God. that is my true interest for Theology this year.