Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chapter 2.3 Evaluate

My argument  is that i believe that Covenant and rules have their similarities and differences, but most importantly they have something to do on how we live and how we should live. In the beginning of time God gave us free will, the ability to chose between right and wrong. Than God gave us a Covenant, a promise to Love, respect, and Him as a creator. With the gift of free will, we make the decisions to belong to God or to nothing at all. With that it takes responsibility. The Covenant is not a law or rules, but a promise to keep. Rules on the other hand are laws that keep us in line and guides us to the Light of Christ, and again we have the ability to chose what is right and wrong. Covenant is a promise rather than a law. Rules are like the Ten Commandments that shows us what is sin and how to live as God wanted us to live. With all of this takes great responsibility. Our responsibility is to keep ourselves away from sin and evil. Learning to worship God with full respect and dignity. When we turn to evil we become irresponsible to ourselves making us lean towards the faith of evil rather than the righteous of Christ.

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