Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chapter 2.3 Apply B

The most important truth of Noah and the Ark, isn't why God regretted his creation, but forgave us by giving us the great water of Baptism.Noah characteristics    describes how man should be the steward of Creation. His action show how man should do everything under the love of God. Work is painful and never-ending, but if we do it for the love and sake of God work itself will become fruitful. Noah never says no or denies Him, because Noah knows that if he denies God, he denies every other gift that He has given him. Noah searches for the light of God everyday during the great flood. Even the great flood has great symbolism of Baptism, but even more the washing of the feet of Jesus. Cleansing the stain of Original and creating a everlasting Covenant between Man and God.
From the Tower of Babel, great evil was built. Built with pride, the sake of becoming higher than God, and having the ability to control the world. Those are the complete opposite of how God wants us to live, and when we show him that this tower is more important than God, and His spiritual temple is nothing important. We should turn around ask for forgiveness, and mercy from Him. God is never angry at us, he is only disappointed by the decisions we make in life that turn us away from God. Live like Noah, not like Ham

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