22. Virtues can be natural or supernatural. Natural virtues are good habits: a fruit of the repetition of good moral actions. For example, if someone wants to acquire the virtue of temperance with regard to food, he or she will need to expend effort to eat less over a period of time. After a while, consumption becomes easier to control, habitual, and happy. Through the performance of virtuous actions, one acquires the corresponding natural virtue.
Supernatural virtues, accompanied by sanctifying grace, are gratuitously imparted to the soul at Baptism. They are infused by God into the souls of the faithful to make them capable of acting as his children and of meriting eternal life.These virtues are called supernatural because they make it possible to perform supernatural acts.
23.Supernatural virtues are accompanied by sanctifying grace, are gratuitously impart to the soul at aptism. Natural virtues comes from good habits, and ways to sarafice things that are not needed.
24. Faith elevates the natural intellect and moves the will so a person can assent to the truths supernaturally revealed by God and put those truths into practice.
Hope gives the mind and will the power to trust God will give all the means necessary to achieve everlasting life.
Charity enables a person to love God above all things and his neighbor as him- or herself with the love of Christ.
25.To have faith means to accept truths guaranteed by the authority of God. Because it is based on God’s revealed truth, faith cannot contradict human reason; rather, it enables a person to believe and understand truths beyond the scope of human reason.
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