Monday, September 30, 2013

3A Understand B

St. Joesphs role was to act as a physical father for Christ, so that Christ can know and feel what a real family feels like. If St Joesph was not there Christ might have felt incomplete. But that was the main role of St. Joesph, he also gave Christ a normal life like being a carpenter. St. Joesph did everything any father would do making him such a great father. I don't think it was hard for St. Joesph to stay next to Mary's side and watch Christ be born, because he recieved a vision from an Angel telling him that Mary was convicived by God, not another man. Than the Angel said that this baby will turn into a savior. Which Joesph shaped him into, with the inspiration of God. The things Joesph done for Christ built him to the only savior of mankind.

3A Remember B

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Chapter 3.1 Apply A

Mary to be Full of Gace, she must accept God's Command, to reverse Eve's responds to God. Mary's Full of Grace allows her to bring Jesus Christ into the world

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2.5 Understand B

God directed the Salvation History by the use of prophets like Moses, David, and Abraham. How did God use this people to lead his the Isrealites? He gave orders that couldn't be denied, showed consequences when we stop listening to him. He gives us a path to follow, and job to be done. That one job that is so difficult for us to do is to be fruitful, and loving in God's Creation. We must understand God gave us everything to live a sustainable life, and the ability to chose him over everything else in the world. God showed us a path to a life in paradise that everyone has trouble staying on track of. God lead his choosen people in to the promise land, he gave them a land to worship and to praise him. He slowly reveals himself to us by Christ. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

2.4 Remember B

Who is Moses? Moses a man chosen by God to lead the Isrealite out of Egypt and into the Promise Land

2.5 Apply A

David is a great prototype of Christ, because David shows a path that leads to Christ. David was the youngest, and the poorest and suddenly became King of Isreal. As for Christ was born in a stable where farm animals eat. David was called by God his son, as for Christ is the True Son of God. David showed his perfection even with original sin. Christ on the other hand was perfected  through God from conception. 

2.5 Understand A

2.5 Remember A

52/52 cards 98% mastery 

2.4 Apply A

2.4 Understand A

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Chapter 2.3 Evaluate

My argument  is that i believe that Covenant and rules have their similarities and differences, but most importantly they have something to do on how we live and how we should live. In the beginning of time God gave us free will, the ability to chose between right and wrong. Than God gave us a Covenant, a promise to Love, respect, and Him as a creator. With the gift of free will, we make the decisions to belong to God or to nothing at all. With that it takes responsibility. The Covenant is not a law or rules, but a promise to keep. Rules on the other hand are laws that keep us in line and guides us to the Light of Christ, and again we have the ability to chose what is right and wrong. Covenant is a promise rather than a law. Rules are like the Ten Commandments that shows us what is sin and how to live as God wanted us to live. With all of this takes great responsibility. Our responsibility is to keep ourselves away from sin and evil. Learning to worship God with full respect and dignity. When we turn to evil we become irresponsible to ourselves making us lean towards the faith of evil rather than the righteous of Christ.

2.3 Remember B

14. The Similarities between the Old Covenant, and the New Covenant made by Christ are that they are still a promise from God to Mankind. The Law of Love by Christ prefects the Old Covenant, by giving us healing, eternal life, and freedom.

15. God entrusted the world to Adam, and he repeated this to Noah

16. The Divine Economic that God gave during the time of Noah. God will deal with different groups of human races.

17.  They were both meant for the same purpose, to get closer to Heaven thinking that God could hear them better from there, but build this kinds of structures is wrong in our Catholic faith. God understands our love for him, but building a tower to heaven isn't not worshipping God, rather taunting Him.

18. God was disappointed by the way mankind chose to build a tower to heaven, so he changed the language making it literally impossible to continue the construction of the tower. There were some positive things about it, yet to come.

19. Soon the gift of the Holy Spirit will overcome the divisions of languages and nations that are consqeunced to sin.

Chapter 2.3 Apply B

The most important truth of Noah and the Ark, isn't why God regretted his creation, but forgave us by giving us the great water of Baptism.Noah characteristics    describes how man should be the steward of Creation. His action show how man should do everything under the love of God. Work is painful and never-ending, but if we do it for the love and sake of God work itself will become fruitful. Noah never says no or denies Him, because Noah knows that if he denies God, he denies every other gift that He has given him. Noah searches for the light of God everyday during the great flood. Even the great flood has great symbolism of Baptism, but even more the washing of the feet of Jesus. Cleansing the stain of Original and creating a everlasting Covenant between Man and God.
From the Tower of Babel, great evil was built. Built with pride, the sake of becoming higher than God, and having the ability to control the world. Those are the complete opposite of how God wants us to live, and when we show him that this tower is more important than God, and His spiritual temple is nothing important. We should turn around ask for forgiveness, and mercy from Him. God is never angry at us, he is only disappointed by the decisions we make in life that turn us away from God. Live like Noah, not like Ham

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

2.3 Apply A

What I believe that the God and the Scared is saying is that Abraham is a the corner stone of a grand nation. A nation that will soon have control over Canaan. The Kings will follow in Abrahams footstep no matter the hardship. The Covenant between Man and God will be maintained, and it shows how Abraham is a great prophet who will lead a nation, by the hand of God 

Chapter 2.3 Understand A

Chapter 2.3 Remember A

Words 50/50 96% Mastery 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Why we don't become angels when we die

Logically any Catholic would say that angels are different than mankind, but some would say that as we die our souls become angels. That is false, angels are another creation by God that has the same intellect, mind, and free will, but spiritually they guide man on the right path. First of all Angels are not man with wings, but spirits that try to lead us away from sin. When we pass away our soul leaves our body and enters purgatory to be cleansed of our sins and to repent to God, so he can allow us in to his paradise. We are completely different from angels in every way. Angels don't have a physical body like us. to conclude Man and Angels are two different creatures created by God.