17. Yes becuase they guide us closer the scantifying grace by giving us guidelines on what and what not to do.
18. He came to make it perfect, and erase it from human errors, he is not establishing but perfecting what has already been done.
19. The First Commandment requires people to place God above all things. In the Law of Christ, the acceptance and worship of the one God is enhanced by the revelation of God as not an impersonal force but our Father who loves his children infinitely. Moreover, each person is called to have a personal relation with the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Fifth Commandment requires people to defend the dignity of human life. The Law of Christ goes further, admonishing his disciples not to harbor resentment toward any person and instructing them to love neighbors and even enemies in word and deed.
The Sixth Commandment requires people to make the correct use of sexuality, while the Law of Christ demands internal chastity even in thought and desire.
20. a level only possible through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Precisely by conforming one’s heart to the teachings of the Beatitudes can he or she enjoy the greatest happiness in this life and perfect happiness in the next.