Sunday, December 8, 2013

6D Understand

16. As a person grows closer to Christ and becomes more like him, he or she prompts others to conversion or at least to consider the Good News. As more individuals aspire to holiness, the world is brought nearer to Christ
17. Yes becuase they guide us closer the scantifying grace by giving us guidelines on what and what not to do.
18. He came to make it perfect, and erase it from human errors, he is not establishing but perfecting what has already been done.
19. The First Commandment requires people to place God above all things. In the Law of Christ, the acceptance and worship of the one God is enhanced by the revelation of God as not an impersonal force but our Father who loves his children infinitely. Moreover, each person is called to have a personal relation with the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Fifth Commandment requires people to defend the dignity of human life. The Law of Christ goes further, admonishing his disciples not to harbor resentment toward any person and instructing them to love neighbors and even enemies in word and deed.
The Sixth Commandment requires people to make the correct use of sexuality, while the Law of Christ demands internal chastity even in thought and desire.
20. a level only possible through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Precisely by conforming one’s heart to the teachings of the Beatitudes can he or she enjoy the greatest happiness in this life and perfect happiness in the next.

6C Understand

11.Repentance and conversion of heart.
 Conforming themselves to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to form them in the image of Christ. Christians should get to know Christ by reading and meditating on his life in the Gospels.
 Following God’s will for them in all things. This includes knowing and following God’s plan not only in the “big” decisions in life but also in the small moments and events of every day. The moral law taught by the Church brings every aspect of the Gospel into daily life and is the primary way to know and embrace God’s will
12. God gives the grace of forgiveness and calls people to lives of holiness. Though God depends on freedom to redeem each person, it is impossible to answer God’s call to holiness and conform one’s life to Christ by human effort alone. God, therefore, provides all the graces necessary to answer his call
Grace brings the baptized into the very life of Christ and helps reproduce his life in their own lives. Grace does not force itself upon anyone but assists each person to exercise true freedom, desire what ought to be desired, and achieve what ought to be achieved. For example, the decision to commit oneself to pray or to grow in kindness toward another person is the work of personal freedom assisted by grace”
13. sanctifying grace, one shares in the life and love of the Blessed Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This grace is first received in the Sacrament of Baptism. It is meant to grow in each Christian, intensifying his or her union with God. This grace remains always, unless it is lost through mortal sin. Mortal sins can be forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which restores the life of sanctifying grace in the soul.”
14. Actual grace refers to all the particular, temporary help or aid God gives to perform a holy action that unites the recipient to his will. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches, actual grace may precede a good act and help a person carry it out.
15. A Conscience is  voice that speaks in our head to help us make decision's in life 

6B Understand

6. Scantifying Grace, and intimate Friendship with God
7. Adam and Eve’s Fall from grace, however, created a humanly insurmountable obstacle to achieve the life of holiness for which they had been created. Their descendants are deprived of God’s grace and are enslaved to sin
8. “From the moment of his Incarnation, the entire life of Christ was oriented toward the salvation of man, and, by his sacrifice on the Cross, he offered a perfect ransom for the sins of the world. His Paschal Sacrifice made possible salvation, obtaining a superabundance of grace to forgive, heal, justify, and sanctify his people. This salvation of all people is called objective redemption.
9. Subjective redemption, or the application of the redemption of Christ to individual lives, requires a free response. As the Blessed Virgin Mary gave her fiat for the Incarnation, each person must exercise freedom to say yes to God’s invitation.
10. Scantity has a higher value than  Freedom, becuase it has been taken away from us by sin, Scantifying Grace is what we are hungry for.

Friday, December 6, 2013

6A understand

1. they must devote themselves to life of holiness
2. The call to be another Christ
3. principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior
4.“Christ’s call to holiness is also powerfully illustrated in his dialogue with the rich young man. First, Christ makes it clear God is the ultimate good; only he can truly fulfill anyone and make him or her happy. Secondly, the Lord insists people follow the Commandments. Finally, he told the rich young man to sell everything and follow him
5.He has given us an immortal soul and through the gifts of intelligence and reason enables us to understand the order of things established in his creation. God has also given us a free will to seek and love what is true, good, and beautiful

6E Understand

21. a latin root- beati means Blessed and Happy
22. Virtues can be natural or supernatural. Natural virtues are good habits: a fruit of the repetition of good moral actions. For example, if someone wants to acquire the virtue of temperance with regard to food, he or she will need to expend effort to eat less over a period of time. After a while, consumption becomes easier to control, habitual, and happy. Through the performance of virtuous actions, one acquires the corresponding natural virtue.
Supernatural virtues, accompanied by sanctifying grace, are gratuitously imparted to the soul at Baptism. They are infused by God into the souls of the faithful to make them capable of acting as his children and of meriting eternal life.These virtues are called supernatural because they make it possible to perform supernatural acts.
23.Supernatural virtues are  accompanied by sanctifying grace, are gratuitously impart to the soul at aptism. Natural virtues comes from good habits, and ways to sarafice things that are not needed.
24. Faith elevates the natural intellect and moves the will so a person can assent to the truths supernaturally revealed by God and put those truths into practice.
 Hope gives the mind and will the power to trust God will give all the means necessary to achieve everlasting life.
 Charity enables a person to love God above all things and his neighbor as him- or herself with the love of Christ.
25.To have faith means to accept truths guaranteed by the authority of God. Because it is based on God’s revealed truth, faith cannot contradict human reason; rather, it enables a person to believe and understand truths beyond the scope of human reason.