Friday, May 9, 2014

Chapter 6 evaluate
This website is one of the best I have found of sacraments and how they develope us to become true followers of Christ.

Chapter 6 evaluate
This link here relates and deepens the truths of the liturgical calendar through faith and the church.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Chapter 5 analysis

I thought about this video and saw how other people thought about Christianity as their own religion Hersey

Chapter 5 analysis

Chapter 5 evaluate 2

This man here argues why he doesn't need the church but we do, and how he will never return due to his experience.

Chapter 5 evaluate

This link I provide here describes the difference not only different of religion point of views but also the others see Christ.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chapter 4 Pearl Tree

Chapter 5 study question understandings

Study Questions
“Name the four marks of the Church. In what important statement of belief, which is prayed during Sunday Mass, are these marks mentioned?- One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic
“Explain: What does it mean to say the Church is One?- The Church is under one God, we are united in one God with three bodies.
“Cite the three ways in which the Mystical Body of Christ bears witness to the unity of the Church”- unity faith, unity of birth, and unity of leadership
“Re-read the sidebar on Pope St. Leo the Great. What aspects of his story show how the Church of his day recognized the papacy and its teaching authority?”-  He followed the doctrine of his time he even preserved the churches unity and adherence.
“Name the three primary types of “wounds” to unity. Which, according to the text, is the most tragic of the three?- Apostasy, heresy and schism
“. Give the two major examples of schism in the Church and the approximate period in which they occurred.”- Reformation in the 2nd century and orthodox churches
“What are some of the “elements of sanctification and truth” that the Church recognizes within the Protestant and Orthodox Churches?- Sacred Scriptures, some or all of the Seen Sacraments, the theological virtues of faith, hope, charity, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
“Describe the basic beliefs of Gnosticism. What belief system today bears resemblance to Gnosticism?”- You can only be saved through a secret and unique knowledge, not everyone will be saved. this is related to agnostic beliefs
“Explain why the followers of Arianism did not believe in the full divinity of Jesus Christ.”- They thought that nothing could be equal to a supreme God and Jesus was only a super creation.
“. Why was the Arian heresy a particularly grave threat to the unity of the Church?- HE was a priest in the Egyptian Church so he had a great knowledge of scripture and used specific passages to prove his idea.
“Apollinaris was an ardent opponent of the Arian heresy. How did he manage to slip into heresy himself ?- He denied Christ having a human mind and will, thus making him oppose the Catholic Church.
What is the meaning of Theotokos, and to whom does it apply?- Bearer of God
Why did Nestorius disagree with the title Theotokos? Explain.- He didn't believe Mary conceived God but she conceived Christ.
List four of the major Protestant reformers and the roles they each played in the schisms from the Catholic Church.- Martin Luther, John Calvin, King Henry VIII and Huldruch Zwingli all opposed the Catholic Church
What sociopolitical issues helped spur the Reformation?- The political viewers wanted to control the church and the protestant churches allowed them to do that.
Name Five saints who led reforms within the Catholic Church in the year after the Reformation.- St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis Xavier, St. John of the Cross, St. Teresa of Avila, and St. Francis de Sales.
What is ecumenism?- The task of working toward Christian unity
What is the cause of divisions within Christianity? what can we do to build "unity of life" and move toward greater Christian Unity?- We must prayer for a manifestation of unity and that Christ dwells on earth.
What must all Christians do for the sake of unity?- We must Pray for a manifestation of unity and that Christ dwells on earth
 How can we say that the Church is Holy even though it is made up of sinful members? The Church is Holy in that it teaches us lessons that are necessary for redemption but its our fault as an individual to not learn from the lessons also Christ sanctifies the church
What great public act of humility did Pope John Paul II make in the year 2000?- He made a pilgrimage to Greece
 Explain Christian Participate in the Holiness of Christ?- taking part in the sacraments, going to mass, and helping others.
When will the Church be Perfect?- When the church on heaven and earth combine, the second coming of Christ.
What four attributes or marks does the Church have because of her divine origin?-
Define Catholic in the general sense. Why does this word apply to the Church?- catholic means universal, and the church is available to everyone.
Describe the threefold sense in which the Church is founded on the Apostles?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Theology experiment

this video will also be on my blog.


So our set-up was to go around campus during lunch time and ask people questions mainly: "what does it mean to be Man Fully Alive? and other question that related to why we are here on earth etc. During the event we walked around campus interviewing teachers, students, and other faculty members. We were surprised about the responses we got mainly from freshman and faculity members. We broke up as groups of three one being the camera guy and the other 2 as interveiwers. My thoughts about this project was that it was very succesful. Not only did we surprise people with such question but got a chance to see what other people's opinions were. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Way Handout

1. What are the names of the 4 main characters?- Tom, Sarah, Jack and Joost
2. Tom's son said to him before he died, You don't choose a life, you live one". What do you think this means?- It shows that once you make decisions on how to live your life, you will always live that same life, you don't get to change or to stop and turn around. The way we start our lives is how we live it off, we can't go back and change the past, is history.
3. What are the reasons given by the 4 main characters? Sarah for smoking, Joost to lose weight, Jack, to find something to write about, and Tom just to walk the route.
4. What are your reflections on the Movie about what it is saying regarding life, the spiritual life, or what life is all about? In other words, Spiritual reflection that arises from the movie thus far using at least one scene from the movie. It's all about how we live our lives, the decisions we make between good and bad. But there is one thing that can save us from our bad decisions and that is only us. Our life is to prove to God we have given him every time we got, and tried our best to finish the Missions that he has given to His Son. Just like Tom trying tho finish his son journey and to find out why he travel this route. Just like how when we look for the path that Christ has shown to us. We must act like Daniel, find hope through God till we die.
5. What are the real reasons each of the main characters is walking the Camino?- Sarah because of her abortion, Joost to find self dignity and to love himself the way he is, Jack is trying to get rid of his writer block, and Tom to finish the his son's journey on the Camino.
6. Do the main characters find healing or peace by the end? explain
Yes, They all found that they have to love the life they began off of. Sarah figured that her abortion was bad, but you can't just stop living because you killed a unborn baby. Live on find peace through God and continue doing the wills of God. Tom had a different experience, he felt his son will be restless if he didn't finish the mission, and when Tom finished he found out why his son chose to do this, he did this to earn a better understanding of why his son wanted to do this, and finally earned the reason. Joost finally over came his food addiction and began to understand if you can't love yourself, you cant love anyone else. Jack finally earned something that no other writers would get and that's earning the final word with words rather a view that can't be described at all. 
7. What are your reflections? what did you learn or gain from the movie? spiritually, what connections can be made? All together this movies is inspiration to me, not only to find hope, but to also a sign of joy. This movie not only taught me about the Camino, but also that you cant live your life without loving yourself, the body that God has given you. In total God always to tells us to love ourselves as our enemies, and we must understand that everyone is our brothers and sisters and we must respect them as they were Jesus. I feel this movie is not only inspirational but spiritually connected.
8. The life we live is what we are doing right know,  everything we do or have done can't not be changed or correct. No matter what we do wrong we must live on and continue. We live what God has given to us, but we make the decision between right and wrong. We follow a path rather than change every time.
  Unlike the life we choose is like God gives us what we ask from him like perfect, grades, beauty, or something like that. Whatever we ask from God we get, that is the definition of choosing a path rather than following a path. The life we choose would be more perfect than the life we live. 
Overall the whole point is God gives us a life and we follow what he says and do what is right or wrong, its our decision.

Monday, February 24, 2014

St. Ignatius Of Antioch letter, Praise of the Ephesians

In this letter he uses the word bound as a way to describe his closeness to the church and God. He gives orders and new ways for the bishops, how shows us how to see false teachings, and how false teachers will be punished for their doing. He even shows that prayers should be endless and powerful in word. St. Ignatius proveds us a warning for false doctrines and gives us a beautiful reason for this idea. In chapter 6 Ignatius talks mainly about the bishops of the Church and how to respect the bishops just as Christ, but to also follow the teachings of the bishop rather than oppose them. The commands of God are given to bishops all around the world. We need to understand that We need to treat everyone like if they were Christ. Listen to those who have authority of the Church.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chapter 2B Create

Chapter 2A create

Chapter 2 understand/apply

Chapter 2 vid 2

1. Jesus says it's done but religion has just began- This claim brings a more common sense response compared from the other video, becuase whe Christ said it was done he meant that our original sins have been forgiven 
2. Broken man and women get to participate in his mission- the Church is universal God allows. Everyone to join and allows them to worship God compared to the other video 
3. Religion is the worldwide relief- compared to the other video Christ brought the church here for a place of hope and restoration of the Kingdom.

-we are the one who decide to listen, Christ doesn't forces us to sit there and listen to what He has got to say but the gift of free will is what allows us to know the difference between right and wrong.

The video that says Jesus loves Religion, overall this video makes more sense because Christ is the Church and He wants us to spread the good news. We are to people who make the decision to listen or not to listen. The other video doesn't have enough facts to back it up, becuase religion is Christ hr is the one who told us to go in peace. We are his stewards that spread the good news. 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Chapter 2 vid

1.jesus came to abolish religion- He is trying to prove that Jesus came to destroy Religion and the Church in general but the problem with that is the Church is Christ you can't destroy your ownself with out kill yourself. 
2. Call people blind doesn't automatically give you vision-that's true but some people aren't blinded by the Church, because the Church provides vision to see Christ, but it's our decision to believe it or not.
3. If reiligion is so great why has it created so many wars?- religion did not create warfare, but the evil that entered the world at the Fall of Adam and Eve.