Sunday, November 17, 2013

5F Understand

22. He trained them like it was a college, pick only the ones who truly believe in God. 
23. The Line of apostles doesnt end, because of recruitment and the decendents of bishops and other holy man.

5E Understand (20-21)

20. The Gift of Confirmation
21. A vicar is a person who acts in the place of or who is authorized to perform the duties of another.

5D Understand (15-20)

15. The apostolic nature of the Church is reflected in her Apostolic Succession; through the Sacrament of Holy Orders, there is a continuous link from the Apostles through their successors, the bishops.
16. Jesus Christ subist in the Catholic Church
17. It means that the Church will last till the end of time.
19. The Holy Spirit allowed the apostles to have the strength and courage to  proclaim the Word of God
20. The Sarcement of Confirmation

5C understand (10-14)

10. It is to set an example how we should live, and how to be a follower of Christ.
11. There is only one Church and that is Christ
12.  We accept everyone just like Christ accepts all of us.
13. The word catholic is from the Greek for universal. The Kingdom of God proclaimed by Jesus Christ is universal. All people, without exception, are called by God to be members of his Church
14. The apostolicity of the Church refers to her having been founded on the Apostles. The Apostles handed on the teachings of Christ, and the Church faithfully hands on this teaching even to the present day

5B Understand 5-9

5. The unique chance to convert, and to be fully with God.
6. Christ possess a phyiscal body that during the Resurrection became glorified.
7. The vertical dimension signifies the relationship between God and human beings. The People of God are united to Christ, through whom all grace is received.
8.The horizontal dimension of the Church signifies the communion among her human members, who have equal dignity as persons. Christians exist as a community in Christ founded by Christ himself.
9. The Church is the sarcment for salvation, and is what allows us to be redeemed by God. 

5A Understand study question (1-4)

1.He Brings his only son in the world to be saraficed, and to save us from evil. We desire Santifying Grace, and Through God and Christ; sarafice we can find the path to God.
2. The Savior is here, to redeem US, so start believing.
3. “Like a mustard seed, the Church began small but grew to be the largest of trees, spreading throughout the entire world.
4. The Kingdom of God is not a place, or a thing, rather it is a person in our souls, Christ is in our Souls.

5F remember

Friday, November 15, 2013

5E Remember

I looked over vocab that were not in the quizlet such as:

-Indefectibility- The quality oor Chracteristic of the Church by which she will exist until the end of time.

- EX Catherdra- Latin for from the chair (of St. Peter). It indicates a solemn ad infallible definiton by a pope of a doctrine concerning matters of Faith or Morals to be held by the faithful.

and other important definition.  

5D remember

I studied vocabulary words 15-19 on quizlet 

5C Remember

I studied vocabulary words 10-15 on quizlet 

5B remember

I studied vocabulary words 5-10

5A remember

I studied the first 5 vocabulary words from Quizlet

5D Textbook