Monday, October 7, 2013

3F understand A

In this Section it talks about Christ Divine care for the poor and suffering (also the Sick). It explains how Christ work is lead by the Word of God. Many of us avoid the sick, poor, and suffering, but Jesus is our example, that we must help others. 

3F Apply

When the poor or the suffering come to ask for God's mercy and receives it is because, of how desperate they are for God, for a sign of hope or love. They are the people who show more love to God than any other of us. They have nothing to lose, but themselves and God. God shined his light over David a Sheperd and made him King of Isreal. The first people to see the baby Jesus were the Shepherds. All they care about is God, and they try their best to live the simpliest lives and earn Gods Love. They want something more than Happiness, and that is the Love of God. When i was younger i always asked my Grandmother for some money to help my parents pay for gas ( Our Family back in the day was very poor), and i thought this would help my parents a great deal, but they had other things to deal with. Life was starting to go upside down, when one day just, magically, we suddenly felt the need to go to a chapel (dont remember the name) and sat their and prayed. After weeks of hard work from my parents a great barrier begin to lift off my family and things started going the right way. I wanted to express this story of my life because it resembles a lot with the miracles God has given to me. 

3F Remember A

I Chose Redemption because that is the title of our course, and in this chapter i feel that everything leads to Redemption, From the birth of Christ, to the the Death of Christ. It explains everything from incarnatation, how we are expatiational for our sins, and how if we follow the way Christ lives and set an example for others. That is where Redemption comes to my mind.

3E Apply

St. Charles Borromeo lived a life of Stwewardship which meant he was decidecated his life to 3 things: Prayer, Ministry, and offerings. His offering is the most important aspect of them all. He was able to changes people lives when he gave them his own goods ,for the Goodness of God. His life was completely done in the name of God. He prayed for those who suffer, and are in need of the necciesety to live a basic life. 

3E Remember A

3E Understanding A

It shows how Christ through incarnation gives us Redemption. On this Page Christ gives us examples of how he showed his dsciples to live a faithful life

3D Apply A

I think even though i have gone through Bapthism, is still believe that the personally I in desprate need of God's Mercy. I feel happy, but not happy enough as God wishes me to be. I spiritually can't fix what i have already done wrong and I hope to find through my Confirmation classes why it was meant to be. We are all here for a reason, because of Gods love, but because there is sin in this world. We make terrible decisions. We as brothers and sisters must help and look out for one another. That is why i feel something is missing in my life. 

3D Remember A

3D Understand A

3B Remember B

Sunday, October 6, 2013

3C Remember A

3C Apply A

The Society of Jesus more know as the SJ a order that lives in chasity which means look good, for the right situation. Never over dress. Many SJ members are called to live a basic life a decicated in serving others and God. They display the true way God ask us to live. Simple, faithful, and spiritually ready for the second coming of Christ. They follow most of the evengelical consels, but not all. Back in history they deicated most of their time away from society and in secrecy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

3B Apply A

The reason why Matthew's geneology is more perfect in a way, is that he starts with Abraham. Unlike Luke who starts with Adam. It makes sense why Matthew starts with Abraham, because he wanted to explain that all of the prophets leading to Jesus were decendents of Abraham rather than Adam who sinned by not stopping Eve from eating the apple. Adam isn't as perfect as Abraham or David. He provideds that ever since change of status of Abraham, it created a line of prophets that lead to Christ. Making Christ the perfect Descendant 

3B Understand A

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

3A Apply B Lourdes

This video sets our minds the ideas of how related Lourdes and Mary are. It shows us that many of the of the things God throws at us has can be unexpected. Just like Lourdes and Mary, living with their daily lives, and God gives them a mission. Just like God calls us to be prepared for his arrive, because it is unexpected